Ashtanga Yoga Workshop with Arne Espejel

Saturday October 14:
3:30pm – 6:00pm: Breathing, moving, staying, gazing… Tristhana… What does it mean?
It is known that in order to practice Ashtanga Yoga, one must focus on Tristhana: Breath, Posture and Gaze. Connecting postures while coordinating breath with movement and performing bandhas (internal energy locks) at the same time is a very complicated task.
In this workshop, the students will explore thoroughly the breathing technique used in Ashtanga Yoga, the asana practice and concept of Bandhas.
We will explain how to optimize the postures in a way that opens a smoother path for the breath during transitions. Hoping to access, with time, a deeper level of consciousness beyond the physical exercise.
We will also study the concept of Sthiti (state of the posture).
This workshop is open for:
– Brand new Beginners 
It will give basic information to new practitioners on how to start connecting with their breath and how to sit and observe it, especially during stressful times.
– Existing Yoga Practitioners 
This workshop is an opportunity to have a better understanding of the vinyasa system and how to apply it when there is a need to use the practice in a more restorative way.
//Price: $50
For more details & registration:
//Call: +961 81 608 607
//Follow: Yoga Souk Beirut

Categories: Events

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