Yoga Nidra Workshop with Dalal Harb

Saturday December 2: 

4:00pm – 6:00pm: Gentle yoga postures, breathing exercises & guided deep relaxation

Stress, in everyday terms, is a feeling that we have when we are overloaded and struggling to cope with demands. Many of us have a hard time to relax despite the fact that we are aware that too much stress is unhealthy. It could lead to poor quality of sleep, shallow breathing, imbalanced eating habits, muscular tensions, inability to concentrate, racing thoughts.

Yoga offers many different tools for relaxation, one of them is YOGA NIDRA. Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation.

Nidra literarily means sleep; during the practice, one appears to be asleep, but one remains aware because the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness. Yoga Nidra removes fatigue and invigorates the body.

The stresses and strains of daily life create tensions and these rob the mind of its serenity. Yoga Nidra takes away tensions and restores the elasticity of your mind.

Yoga Nidra is one of the main tools for the attainment of the yogic state of supreme peace and tranquility of mind.

The workshop duration is two hours. It consists of five respective parts:

  • A short introduction about Yoga Nidra with Q&A (15 minutes)
  • Gentle yoga asanas sequence to help reduce physcial stress and strain (45 minutes)
  • Pranayama breathing exercises to induce calmness (15-20 minutes)
  • The guided deep relaxation – full practice of Yoga Nidra (30 minutes)
  • Q&A (10 minutes)

The workshop is open to everybody, whether you are a novice or an avid practitioner.

Wear warm clothes, or bring a shawl to cover yourself. During relaxation the body temperature drops a little. Have your last meal 3 hours before, and join us with an open heart and a smile.

//Price: $30
For more details & registration:
//Call: +961 81 608 607
//Follow: @YogaSoukBeirut

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