You are Beautiful, You are Bountiful, You are Blissful, A Workshop to Help You Remember that!

Sunday September 2, 2018: 

10:00 am – 12:00 pm: You are beautiful, bountiful & blissful


Kundalini Yoga is an amazing powerful process that allows us to go beyond our mind and lead us to our hearts. It is the yoga of awareness, the yoga of light. We are forever grateful to yogi Bhajan for bringing it to us!

Kundalini Yoga helps us trust ourselves and understand that the tools are within us, the answers to all our ailments are just hidden within.

In this workshop we will learn about the chakras, or energy wheels along the central channel, and practice specific kriyas, pranayam and meditation to discover the powerful effects of Kundalini Yoga.


For more details & registration: 
// Call: 
+961 81 608 607
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Yoga Souk Beirut

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